Congratulations to Hans and his family for their performance at the Cape2Rio Race. After a first position at the Refeno Regatta, Hans and his family of 5 are back!
The iconic Cape to Rio Yacht Race, also known as the South Atlantic Yacht Race, from Cape Town to South America, started almost 49 years ago, partly to encourage South African sailors to attempt ocean crossings. It attracted enormous international interest from the start and has a fascinating history.
Harbour pilot by trade, it was on his faithful Outremer 51 Aventureiro 4 that Hans and his family took on the challenge January 2nd, 2023..
We can congratulate them on their performance. In 20d 1h32m 19s they reached Rio de Janeiro covering 3646.7NM. And their last day of sailing was not easy: “What a last day of a difficult race! We went from 37 to 0 in 24 hours! Our boat speed varied from 21.5 to the waterline… After a difficult storm, we were completely bogged down and are now trying to move with the finish line just in sight!”
These are great results for a Blue Water sailing catamaran slightly on the heavier side, given she is specifically equipped for cruising. Further proof that Outremers really can do it all!
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The Outremer 52 in the ‘Top 10 Best Boats 2025’ by SAIL magazine!
The Outremer 52 has been named one of the Top 10 Best Boats of 2025 by Sail Magazine, a mark of quality and recognition in the sailing world.
Outremer launches its second season of webinars!
Do you dream of going boating and don’t know which boat to choose? Take part in our 60-minute webinars designed to inspire you, guide you and help you move forward with your big catamaran cruising project.