Nikki Henderson

Unseasonable crossings — PART 02

When I look back on the crossing on La Vagabonde, my brain does a remarkably clever thing. It filters out most of the hard stuff: the lightning, the stress, the responsibility, the social media flurry, the awkward moments between the diverse characters. What’s left, is memories of day 12 onwards…

Nikki Henderson

Unseasonable Crossings — PART 01

The Vendee Globe has got to be the toughest solo sporting event there is. It’s a single handed round the world sailing race without stops or assistance. Having raced in the Southern Ocean myself – it is a desolate place in spirit, in physicality, and in the mental state you find yourself in.

Nikki Henderson

Sailing upwind on Outremer 45 Sailing La Vagabonde — PART 02

Sailing is a sensual sport. When you sail, you must work together with nature. You must ride her waves and helm in time with her flow, easing and tightening and swaying with her rhythm.

Nikki Henderson

Sailing upwind on Outremer 45 Sailing La Vagabonde — PART 01

18th November 2019 was the fifth day of our 18-day transatlantic delivery on La Vagabonde, the Outremer 45. The unseasonable nature of the voyage did not disappoint; this was the fifth consecutive day of upwind sailing.

Nikki Henderson

Preparation of an extraordinary transatlantic crossing, from West to East

On 13th November 2019, I was scraping the ice off the deck of La Vagabonde – the Outremer 45 – in preparation for our imminent departure from Virginia, USA headed to – well – somewhere in Western Europe.