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Un rendez-vous annuel à Paris

Le Séminaire Grande Croisière du groupe Grand Large Yachting vous offre une immersion de deux jours mettant l’accent sur les facteurs clés de succès d’un voyage au long-cours : météorologie, planification de route, sécurité active et passive, santé à bord, communications, mais aussi photographie à bord…

Les repas et pauses sont riches d’échanges entre auditeurs et avec les experts présents.

Ce séminaire doit beaucoup à l’inspiration, au soutien et à l’implication du légendaire Jimmy Cornell : navigateur, auteur des guides de croisière les plus vendus au monde, conférencier multilingue et organisateur de rallyes. Il est généralement présent sur ces deux jours pour échanger.

Des webinaires toute l’année, ouverts à tous

Le groupe Grand Large Yachting est plus que jamais convaincu de la portée et de la pertinence des thématiques de la grande croisière. C’est pourquoi, pour combler vos rêves d’océan virtuels, nous tenons régulièrement des Webinaires Grande Croisière.

Gratuit pour tous les internautes, le Webinaire Grande Croisière repose à ce stade sur cinq sessions en ligne faisant appel à l’expertise d’intervenants reconnus comme Knut Frostad, Martin Oudet, Nikki Henderson, Loic Helies et Pete Goss.


#1 “Naviguer connecté, un facteur de liberté à bord”, par Knut Frostad

[Webinaire en anglais] Knut spent many years as a professional sailor and raced in the Olympics and later four times around the world in the Whitbread and Volvo Ocean Race, twice as skipper. More recently he spent 18 months cruising with his amily in an Outremer 5X. His normal day-to-day job is as the President & CEO of Navico, a world leading provider of marine electronics including B&G for sailing and C-Map cartography.
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2# “Les bases de la médecine à bord”, par Martin Oudet

[Webinaire en anglais] Martin is a sailor and a medical doctor who works at the Lorient Hospital, in Brittany. He will speak about different topics and medical situations, and how to anticipate and manage them to make you autonomous and able to have a nice cruise on your boat.
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#3 “Peut-il y avoir plus d’un skipper à bord”, par Nikki Henderson

[Webinaire en anglais] At 25 years old, Nikki Henderson became the youngest ever Clipper Round the World Race skipper, bringing Visit Seattle home in 2nd place in the 2017/18 edition. She has raced the Caribbean 600, Fastnet, Race to Alaska, Middle Sea Race, and was a guest skipper on Maiden. She also joined YouTubers La Vagabonde to sail Greta Thunberg across the Atlantic. Nikki partners sailing with her other passion: storytelling – as an author, and as a motivational speaker. Profoundly affected by the lessons she has learnt at sea, she enjoys sharing her refreshingly honest and unique insights into the human side of this extreme sport.
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#4 “Management technique de son bateau”, par Loic Helies

[Webinaire en anglais] Well known to owners and future owners of the Outremer community with whom he has shared his extensive experience during by-annual training sessions, Loïc will explain in his webinar how methodology and processes he uses as an airline pilot can be used in the context of Blue Water Sailing when it comes to boat technical management.
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#5 “Osez rêver”, par Pete Goss

[Webinaire en anglais] Pete Goss MBE is a sailor and adventurer turned entrepreneur and author of the bestselling book « Close to the Wind ». He now splits his time between his ongoing adventures and delivering inspirational and motivational talks to organisations around the world, as well as lecturing at business schools including Oxford University.
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